Gluten Free Frozen Pizza (ADD YOUR OWN TOPPINGS)!

Gluten Free Frozen Pizza (ADD YOUR OWN TOPPINGS)!

Take a boring frozen pizza and turn it into the most amazing delicacy! Mammamìa! 😋 😘🥰🍕🍕

Frozen 4-cheese pizza from Costco + tomatoes + bacon + Italian herbs + garlic powder + extra virgin olive oil + salt / pepper (optional) + red chili flakes =LOVE!

Now tell me that doesn't make your mouth water!🤤

Cooking Instructions:

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. 
2. Remove wrapping from frozen pizza if your choice (I used Costco's gluten-free option) and add chopped bacon, diced tomatoes(cherry tomatoes work as well), sliced onion (optional), Italian herbs, red chili flakes (optional), salt & pepper to taste.  
3. Bake for 10-13 minutes or until golden brown.  
4. Enjoy! 
